Friday, March 28, 2008

My own words. Don't get use to it, nobody reads these things.

" A Chicago mother, watching her daughter die as an indirect result of marijuana addiction, told officers that at least fifty of the girl’s young friends were slaves to the narcotic. This means fifty unpredictables. They may cease its use; that is not so difficult as with some narcotics. They may continue addiction until they deteriorate mentally and become insane. Or they may turn to violent forms of crime, to suicide or to murder. Marijuana gives few warnings of what it intends to do to the human brain."

This is the bullshit our government fed us in the 30's. When they decided to prohibit marijuana use and hemp growing.

Do you own anything made by DuPont? Thank them, the dude(Harry J. Anslinger)who wrote the article that is from(link here), and William Randolf Hearst(a mexican hating, chain of newspapers owner) for having to worry about being locked up for enjoying a little weed, or even using it as medicine.

I do both. It keeps my head right(depression runs in my family big time, so does alcoholism) and I enjoy it. I don't care about getting busted for weed. I've been arrested for it at least 5 times so far.(knock on wood) I lost a few real good jobs. Did it make me stop?? Hell no, I smoked in jail and got another job. I just think it's messed up for our government to screw up our lives for no reason. Our government is supposed to work for us, not against us.

I think with the internet, and everyone who was alive in the 30's getting very old, now is the perfect time to get weed legalized or at least decriminalized. We tried before in the 70's but we gave up, then guess what happened. Crack Babies. It would be so easy now if every smoker gave a shit. About the time I decided to start actually working on my website ideas and everything(still working,don't hold your breath), I was watching Red Eye on Fox, and they were talking about having weed legalized, and some chick that was on there said something like " it will never happen, pot smokers will never unite". It made me realize 2 things. 1) she was far at least. 2) if pot smokers did unite and show law makers we are serious, they would HAVE to change laws.

I seriously think more people smoke weed than don't. I know almost every friend I've had has taken at least a few puffs. Not to mention most of my family, co-workers, neighbors, random people I've run into, and even cops I have known. Shoot, the best thing Clinton did was admit he tried it. Now all kinds of politicians are admitting it(only because they have to). Do you know anyone who smokes? Do you think they should be locked behind bars, away from everything they love? I bet you know more smokers than you think you do.