Friday, April 25, 2008

Email from MPP about California

Marijuana Policy Project
Marijuana Policy Project Alert: Calif. April 23, 2008

URGENT: Please help pass landmark medical marijuana legislation in California

Dear Dave Corn,

Next Tuesday, April 29, the California State Assembly's Committee on Public Safety will be conducting a hearing on AB 2743 — a bill authored by Assembly Member Lori SaldaƱa (D-San Diego) that would prohibit state and local law enforcement from assisting with federal raids on medical marijuana patients and providers.

Please take a few minutes to send a message to the committee members letting them know that you support AB 2743 because local peace officers should respect California's well-established medical marijuana laws.

Taking action is easy. Just visit MPP's action page, enter your information, and send an e-mail to the committee. If you are a patient or medical professional, please modify the message to include that information.

With your help, we can pass this ambitious legislation, which will dramatically improve protections for California's medical marijuana patients and providers.

Most federal raids on California's medical marijuana facilities rely on significant help from local law enforcement agencies; in many cases, local agents have even asked federal agents to raid patients and providers. AB 2743 will create a policy of respecting the state's protections for medical marijuana patients and their providers.

Thank you for taking action to support our state's right to self determination and safe access to medical marijuana for seriously ill and injured patients. Making contact with state policymakers is one of the most effective ways to help change the laws.

Please don't forget to forward this message on to friends, family, and co-workers in California, so that they too can take action.


Aaron Smith
California Organizer
Marijuana Policy Project

P.S. The committee will be holding a hearing on AB 2743 Tuesday, April 29 at 9:00 a.m. in Sacramento. If you are a patient or dispensing collective staffer who might be interested in attending, please e-mail