Wednesday, November 26, 2008

UK scientists decry moves to toughen cannabis laws

LONDON: A group of senior British scientists has condemned the government's push to toughen the penalties for possessing marijuana, saying in a letter published Tuesday the move ignores scientific evidence.

Britain's House of Lords voted to reclassifying the drug Tuesday, and the House of Commons, Britain's powerful lower house, already approved the measure earlier this month and the Lords' vote is seen as a formality.

The Home Office said it expected the change to come into effect in January.

In Britain, drugs are classified into three different categories with "Class A" the most dangerous. Marijuana is currently classified as a "Class C" drug and the change will upgrade it to "Class B" — something the government argues is necessary in part because of the increasing potency of some cannabis varieties.

The change would reverse the relaxation of British cannabis laws in 2004 and ignore the recommendations of a government drug advisory council.